I have started reading the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. This book is about a professor who is connecting the clues to find who and why an ancient group are taking revenge against the Catholic church. A group called the Illuminati wants to avenge every member the Catholic church killed in the past. Because the blogs have to have a philosophical edge, I'm going to write about revenge.
First of all, what is revenge? The definition in the Webster's Dictionary is "The action of inflictiong hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffering at their hands." An example would be someone shoved you in the hallway. To avenge yourself, you shove him back. I also searched up what the Bible says about revenge. In a lot of bible verses, it says that you should not take revenge on anyone but offer them something. An example in the bible was: if someone slaps you on the left cheek, offer them the right cheek. In this case, the Illuminati are taking revenge on the church because the church persecuted them.
The Illuminati (meaning the Enlightened ones) was a Satanist group who wanted to show that science and religion were connected. Of course the Catholic church didn't want them to so they persecuted them and drove them out of Italy. Many members survived and plotted revenge against the Catholics. Now, they have kidnapped four important Cardinals and have threatened that they would kill them by the four elements of the world: Earth, wind, fire, and water.
Should we take revenge on someone because they did something wrong to us? In many movies where someone killed someone else's family member, they go after the killer and most likely kill them. I think that if someone shoves you or insults you, ignore them. Usually, I tease my brother when he does something to me and then my dad tells me to ignore him. I think we should ignore the people who do wrong to us.